Feeding Complex
For truly productive cannabis cultivation choosing the right fertilizer is a crucial factor. Absence of appropriate fertilizers at market was the basic reason why Divine Seeds breeders took the challenge...

Nutrition elements

Plays a crucial role in green growth being a component of chlorophyll and growing hormones. Necessary at all life stages.
Takes part in photosynthesis processes. Necessary for cannabinoids and terpenes production.
Important for allocation of moisture within a plant system. Impoves root development
For truly productive cannabis cultivation choosing the right fertilizer is a crucial factor. Absence of appropriate fertilizers at market was the basic reason why Divine Seeds breeders took the challenge of creating their own brand-new fertilizing formulas, both environmentally clean and efficient. Through numerous breeding and growing cycles perfect nutrient compositions were developed. Then Divine Grow fertilizers underwent approbation in our laboratories and greenhouses. Now Divine Seeds is confident about sharing these efficient and healthy mixtures with the world’s growing community! Stay productive and environmentally friendly with Divine Grow series.
How to Use

1 gram of product

Per 1 liter of water

Shake well

Use with watering
Full nutrition solution

Full nutrition complex